Curriculum Vitae


Name: Zonglin Tian (田宗霖)

Gender: Male

D.O.B: August 1994

Phone: +86 13668636067


Address: Beijing, China

Hi there, I’m Zonglin, just got my Ph.D. degree from Utrecht University. I am currently working at Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication. My research focused on explaining the projections of high-dimensional data, which belongs to the field of information visualization. I have a background in biometric analysis, big data analysis and visual analysis, and am very interested in data processing. Feel free to discuss any potential interesting research ideas with me.

online version.


Utrecht University (UU, Netherlands), Ph.D.,  2019.11 - 2023.11

Lab: Visualization and Graphics Group (VIG)

Supervisor: Prof. Alexandru C. Telea

Department: Information and computing sciences

Research topic: explanation of multi-dimensional projections

Northeastern University (NEU, China), Master, 2016.9 - 2019.6

Degree: Master of Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Yubin Bao

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Master thesis: Visualization and System Implementation of Large Scale Graph Data Based on Sampling

Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU, China), Bachelor, 2012.9 - 2016.6

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Supervisor: A/Prof. Jianxiao Liu

Major: Computer Science and Technology

Bachelor research: Research On Gene Regulatory Relationships Mining Based On TPDA Algorithm


Front-end: Html/CSS, Javascript, Node.js

Back-end: Python, Java, Scala

Database: MySQL, Oracle, Leancloud

BigData: Hadoop, Spark, GraphX

Visualization: Gephi, D3.js, three.js

Writing: LaTeX



  • Liu, D., van Dijk, A., Tian, Z., Dubas, J. S. (2024). Differential Susceptibility to Peer Rejection and Acceptance: A Within-Child Experiment. Child Development.

Under Review

  • Thijssen, J., Tian, Z., & Telea, A. (2024). Interactive tools for explaining multidimensional projections for high-dimensional tabular data. Computers & Graphics. (to appear).

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf  #EuroVA2023


  • Tian, Z. Castelein, W.,, Mchedlidze, T., & Telea, A. (2023). Measuring And Interpreting the Quality of 3D Projections of High-Dimensional Data. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer. (accepted as the VISIGRAPP2023 conference paper)

Doi  Pdf  #VISIGRAPP2023


  • Bredius, C., Tian, Z., & Telea, A. (2022). Visual Exploration of Neural Network Projection Stability. In Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization, 2022.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf  #EuroVIS2022


  • Tian, Z., Zhai, X., van Steenpaal, G., Yu, L., Dimara, E., Espadoto, M., & Telea, A. (2021). Quantitative and qualitative comparison of 2D and 3D projection techniques for high-dimensional data. Information, 12(6), 239.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf

  • Tian Z., Zhai, X., van Driel, D., van Steenpaal, G., Espadoto, M., & Telea, A. (2021). Using multiple attribute-based explanations of multidimensional projections to explore high-dimensional data. Computers & Graphics, 98, 93-104.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf


  • van Driel, D., Zhai, X., Tian, Z., & Telea, A. (2020). Enhanced Attribute-Based Explanations of Multidimensional Projections. In Proceedings of the EuroVA@ Eurographics/EuroVis, 2020 (pp. 37-41).

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf  #EuroVIS2020


  • Liu, J., Tian, Z., Xiao, Y., Liu, H., Hao, S., Zhang, X., ... & Yan, J. (2018). Gene regulatory relationship mining using improved three-phase dependency analysis approach. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 17(1), 339-346.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf 

  • Liu, J., Tian, Z., & Liu, Y. (2018). Research of Web Service Recommendation Using Bayesian Network Reasoning. In Proceedings of the Services Computing–SCC 2018: 15th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2018, Seattle, WA, USA, June 25-30, 2018, Proceedings (Vol. 10969, p. 19). Springer.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf  #SCC2018


  • Liu, J., & Tian, Z. (2017). Verification of Three-Phase Dependency Analysis Bayesian Network Learning Method for Maize Carotenoid Gene Mining. BioMed Research International, 2017.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf


  • Liu, J., Tian, Z., Liu, P., Jiang, J., & Li, Z. (2016). An approach of semantic web service classification based on Naive Bayes. In Proceedings of the  IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2016, pp. 356-362.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf  #SCC2016

  • Liu, H., Wang, F., Xiao, Y., Tian, Z., Wen, W., Zhang, X., ... & Yan, J. (2016). MODEM: multi-omics data envelopment and mining in maize. Database: the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2016.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf

  • Liu, J., Feng, Z., Tian, Z., Liu, F., & Li, X. (2016). Research on Service Organization Based on Decorator Pattern. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, CollaborateCom 2015, Wuhan, November 10-11, 2015, China. Springer.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf  #CollaborateCom2015


  • Liu, J., Ning, D., Xing, K., Tian, Z., Liu, P., & Liu, F. (2015). Web service aggregation platform implementation based on join operation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Informatics. Atlantis Press.

Doi  Bibtex  Pdf  #AMEII2015


  • Tian Z. Research introduction. PPT (saved by onedrive)
  • Liu, D. (Speaker)., Van Dijk A., Tian, Z., Deković M., & Dubas J. Sensory Processing Sensitivity as a Marker of Differential Susceptibility to Peer Relationships? An Experimental Test of “For Better and For Worse”. Child and Adolescent Studies Research Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands. March 7, 2023.
  • Tian Z. (Speaker). Viewpoint-Based Quality for Analyzing and Exploring 3D Multi-dimensional Projections, VISIGRAPP2023, Lisbon, Portugal. February 19, 2023. 
  • Tian Z., Bredius, C. (Speaker). Visual Exploration of Neural Network Projection Stability, EuroVis2022, Rome, Italy. June 13, 2022. 
  • Tian Z., (Speaker). Advanced ​ Explanation Mechanisms of Multi-dimensional Projections, Utrecht, the Netherlands. February 10, 2021.  


  • Liu J., Xiang Y., Tian Z., Hao S., Zhang X. Intergenic interaction relation excavation method based on Bayesian network reasoning. ZL201811157185.1[P]. 2022-03.
  • Liu J., Liu H., Wang F., Tian Z., Yan J. Maize multi-omics data envelopment and mining platform (abbr. MODEM).     2017SR128806[SR]. 2017-04.



  • Understanding High-dimensional Data, Ph.D., 2019.11 - 2023.11

The project is financially supported by the China Scholarship Council.

No. 201906080046. Research Supervisor: Prof. Alexandru C. Telea

  • Visualization of Large-scale Graph Data, Master, 2017.9 - 2019.4

The project is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,

No. 61602103. Research Advisor: Lecturer. F.L. Leng

  • Genetic Mining Method Based on TPDA and Its Application, 2016.11 - 2018.12

This project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,

No. 31601078. Research Supervisor: A/Prof. Jianxiao Liu 

  • Research on Web Service Technology for Data Mining and Analysis of Maize,  2014.3 - 2015.8

The project is financially supported by the Innovation Training Plan of University Students (ITPUS),

No. 201410504064. Research Supervisor: A/Prof. Jianxiao Liu



  • The sub-system of Liaoning Fishery Data Center Construction,  2017.4 - 2018.5

The project is commissioned by the Department of Ocean and Fisheries of Liaoning Province, P.R.China.

Engineering Advisor: Prof. Ge Yu  Prof. Yubin Bao

  • Water Environmental Protection Management System, 2017.3 - 2017.9

This project is commissioned by the Department of Environmental Protection of Liaoning Province, P.R.China.

Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Yubin Bao 


GoogleScholar: @Zonglin Tian

ResearchGate:@Zonglin Tian

GitHub: @TianZonglin

Hobby: Photography


—— 2024-07-01 ——